Math Art

"Math Art" - last updated  1 Oct 2024

Math Art is my hobby which utilizes crafting techniques from metal work to painting in hopes that someone will be inspired. I am not an artist, but I do like to make things and am willing to try to make something out of what I have at hand.   There can be  frustration in making something for the first time, but that's what most of my creations are - "one-offs" so they may have some rough edges, but the concept is more important to me than the polish.  Currently I have a display of two  Math Art pieces in the hall display case on the 3rd floor of the math building at Purdue Univ.  ( Dr. Irena Swanson, the Head of Dept of Mathematics is a math quilter - did you know that? )  I then take them to display in the math commons of Indiana University - Kokomo.  The two pieces change each quarter. 

Some of my works are copies  of original works or images of famous artists and are displayed here strictly in the goal of inspiring students (even those of use who are not enrolled) to view math positively.  Ido not sell my work.

If you want to read more about Math & Art, there are some references at the end of this page.   Also the link  covers the topic.   For modern abstract math art there is an excellent site associated with the Smithsonian, here->  

Did you know   Lewis Carrol (author of Alice in Wonderland), Omar Kayam (Persian poet), and Florence Nightengale ( nursing ) , were mathematicians? 

 Also, there are numerous musicians who are/were mathematicians:  Brian May (Queen), Dan Snaith (Caribou), Johnny Buckland (Coldplay), Art Garfunkel (Simon & Garfunkel), and Albert Einstein (accomplished violinist and pianist). Other musicians who compose with mathematics include modern composers Phillip Glass and Laurie Anderson . JS Bach was big into mathematical constructs  with all his reflections and inversions and such.   Math is everywhere and has been here for a long time.

Archimedes Dragon.  Archimedes is credited with making the first dissection puzzle using 14 polygonal shapes, (titled the Stomachion) . The aim was to construct a perfect square from the various polygons. The original was discovered in a palimpsest , written over by an anonymous medieval scribe compiling prayers. How many ways to 'solve' this was unknown until a computer scientist, Bill Cutler at Cornell University showed that there are 536 if you allow either side of the polygons to be used) . Below is an inset of Cuttler's array of the patterns.  Of course, Archimedes didn't have a fire breathing dragon in mind, but by adding the 'eye' to pattern F3 from Cutler's array , I thought it was a dead ringer. The frame is 1/4" thick copper with large brackets.

Descartes' square root of two.   This is a geometric construction representing the irrational number √2  . The unit squares are brass and aluminum and the half circle with inscribed right triangle are fused glass.   Throughout the history of mathematics people have searched for algorithms to solve algebraic equations . Solutions to certain quadratic equations (understood geometrically) were known as early as 1600 BCE in Babylon, though it wasn't until the Italian Cardano published a quadratic solution in 1545 .  Three centuries later, Abel proved the impossibility of finding a general algebraic solution for equations of degree greater than 4. In 1637 the Frenchman Descartes published 'The Geometry' in which geometric solutions of cubic, quartic, quintic and even sextic equations were found through the intersection of different curves.  My rendering is taken from Crockett Johnson's painting of the same subject. 

Nerd Bird.   Each component of this fused glass piece is made in accordance with the Fibonacci series.   Fibonacci was actually named Leonardo of Pisa and in 1202 borrowed the sequence of numbers from Indian mathematicians  (described as early as 200 BCE in Sanskrit poetry) which added each term to the preceding term to generate an increasing sum.  Such sums were also related to spirals {in nature e.g. patterns in pine cones, pineapples, ferns, artichoke flowers, shells , etc}  and the golden ratio (often mentioned in ancient Greek architecture as pleasing to the eye) .  Nerd Bird has pupils of dimension 1,1, eye 2,3, face 5,8, head 13, wings 21 and surrounding base 34 cm . Her leg segments also reflect the series. 

Euclid, "father of geometry"  was born in the 3rd century BCE in Greece but did most of his work in Alexandria, Egypt. This glass mosaic is a copy of an online image.  With other Greeks he formalized rigorous methods of mathematics beginning with 5 axioms , which are all present in my work of glass mosaic and five hardwoods in the frame.  

1) A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points. 

2) any straight line segment can be extended a straight line indefinitely . 

3) Given any straight line segment, a circle can be drawn having the segment as a radius and one endpoint as the center.

4) All right angles are congruent. 

5) If two lines are drawn which intesect a third in such a way that the sum of the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines inevitably must intersect each other on that side if extended far enough.  

These simple statements led to many theorems and proofs, culminating in his Elements,  a work of geometry and number theory which still stand some 23 centuries later. 

Pi-e.      Are all numbers the same?    They are not.   This painting depicts the mathematical constants pi and e, which are both transcendental numbers.  The digits of each are represented here as colors extending out to infinity. This sort of started out when Georg Cantor established that there were different levels of infinity .    Infininity is not the biggest number, rather it is a concept that is kind of hard to grasp for us humans who live in and experience a finite world .   The group of numbers we first learn are the  natural numbers you can count 1,2,3,4……………..on up to infinity . If we then include  the negative numbers - 1, -2, -3, -4  etc., we end up with the integer set of numbers.   Next, think of all the fractions you can  -  ½, 1/3/, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, etc.  {In addition to being able to be written as a ratio, these numbers have the property of being able to be written  also as a decimal or a repeating decimal (for example, 4/11 = .363636363636..........  or 5/7 = .714285714285……..   So it would seem there are more of these  than there are whole numbers since there’s a more fractions in between 0 and 1 than just the one integer number increase to number 1.  Right?  Actually, not so, because  Cantor showed that for each fraction, you can pair it up with a whole number and count it.  For example:

½       1/3         1/4          1/5        1/6            1/7.................etc

 1         2           3            4           5            6  .............  all the way to infinity

Then we conclude that the integers and the rational numbers (fractions) both belong to the set of numbers which are countable, all the way to infinity.   All integers and rational numbers are algebraic  as are all roots of integers.  

Then mathematicians identified properties of a different set of numbers that are irrational - they cannot be expressed as a ratio ( a fraction).    An example is √2  (the square root of 2)  which goes on forever without repeating as  1.414121356……..  It turns out there are a LOT of these "real numbers' tucked in between the fractions. Cantor constructed an argument which showed that these numbers are uncountable and as such represent a set of numbers which is larger than the countable numbers – a second level of infinity if you will.   Also in this set are complex numbers – those which have a real and an “imaginary” component such as 4x + 3i ;         (i=  √-1     {i being defined as the square root of -1} )  Since some of the irrational numbers can be the root of an equation ( a famous example is phi, the golden ratio, which satisfies x^2 - x-1=0) ,  they qualify as an algebraic number, so not all irrational numbers are transcendental but all  transcendental numbers are all irrational and  are NOT algebraic - they do not solve a 'rooty' equation.  It has been shown that although most numbers are transcendental, it is quite difficult to prove that a given number is transcendental.  

for another piece of pi, look for Euler's pie below.  Sorry for the puns ............I can't resist.

Csaszar's Polyhedron.  First discovered in 1949 by Hungarian Akos Csaszar, I  learned of this figure while reading recreational math books by Ian Stewart. This led to my interest which launched 'Math Art'.  This unique polyhedron has 14 surfaces, 7 vertices and 21 edges and is actually a torus (donut). It also is interesting because  (along with only the tetrahedron)  has no diagonals among all polyhedrons.  It was difficult for me to visualize the donut hole, let alone to fabricate a model.  I included one  hinged surface with arrows to better demonstrate where  the 'hole' is.   The small red & blue pieces are merely to hold it together when the hinge is not used.

Quadrature of the Loon (play on words).  In ancient times, one of the three unsolvable mathematical problems was to create  (using only a compass and straightedge - not a ruler!) a square with the same area as a circle,  which was termed quadrature . The problem still exists today. However, it is now known to be impossible because a circle's area is calculated using pi which is an irrational & transcendental  number). This problem originated with the Eqyptians taxed people based on their land ownership and so reduced areas to triangles or squares .  Circles and  most portions of circles (lunes) defied this method.   In Posey county, Indiana,  physician Edward J. Goodwin  published his solution  as "The quadrature of the circle" in 1897. He had drafted a bill for the Indiana House of Representatives to benefit the children of the state by showing his proof which had at its core redefining pi as 3.2 instead of 3.14159........etc.  stating that the claimed value with its infinite, laborious strings of decimal digits as wholly wanting and misleading.  Fortunately, the head of the math department at Purdue University had convinced politicians of the absurdity of this idea and the bill, which had passed in the House, was stalled in committee. of the Senate.   

So here, we have the solution - dividing a 'loon' (sic lune)  into quadrants.   -glass within a custom fabricated metal frame. (original)

Riemann zeta function  is visualized using so-called domain coloring. The true ‘graph’ of a complex function consisting of real and imaginary parts (a + bi) like the Riemann zeta function would be four-dimensional, so it cannot be visualized by creatures that perceive in only three dimensions. Instead, mathematicians can depict these graphs by assigning a color to every point on the complex plane. In this picture, the zeros of the Riemann zeta function are the centers of the rainbow bull’s-eyes or nubs, and all lie on a vertical line of 1/2, as the Riemann hypothesis predicts (for nontrivial cases of (s) = 0, s = 1/2 + bi). Below is the online image graphing by Empetrisor (  This mathematical function, published in 1859 by German Bernhard Riemann, relates the distribution of prime numbers and has uses in physics, probability theory and applied statistics.   I thought it was pretty and was intrigued by the nodal points and their mystery.  When I first saw this ,I wanted to paint it and thus began the first of my three formal art lessons and launch into 'math art'. 

Leonhard Euler.    This is a copy of an online portrait made in 1753 by his Swiss countryman, Jacob E. Handmann., which I made by using a metal punch and hammer on a panel of aluminum. 

Euler was one of the most eminent mathematicians of the 18th century and held to be one of the greatest of all time. He was also very prolific, publishing more than anybody in the field. His work in mathematics included  geometry, trigonometry, algebra, infinitesimal calculus, graph theory, topology and analytic number theory.  Euler is the only mathematician to have two numbers named after him. (e = 2.71828... and gamma , the EulerMascheroni constant=  0.57721.....  Important contributions include the concept of a 'function',  notation for trigonometric functions, Sigma for sums, and i to denote the imaginary unit.  He also popularized the use of the greek letter pi for the ratio of circumference to diameter.  His Euler diagrams were the forerunners of Venn diagrams.  He spent most of his life in St. Petersburg, Russia and also wrote works in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, astronomy and music theory. 

Euler's 'Pie'..................another play on words.  Many mathematicians view Euler's equation of e raised to the power of i times pi plus 1 equals 0 as the most beautiful equation because it contains elements of real numbers, imaginary numbers, transcendental numbers which ties them all together.   I made this original version  comprised of a copper crusted  e on an i  pie (small metal letter i's can be seen in the place of the missing slice)  ,  plus and equal signs on the metal ring zero surrounding the pie and an oak number 1 on which the pie rests. 

Latin (aka Magic) Squares

Although Latin squares were popularized by Euler (named such because he used Latin letters as the symbols, not numbers) , a 9 x 9 version was first published by Korean politician and mathematician  Choi Seok-jeong  in 1700.   

My acrylic painting  (right column) is an homage to Sylvie Donmoyer's  oil painting "still life with magic squares"   (left column) ,which won first prize at the 2012 Bridges JMM conference (probably the apex conference of current mathematical art).   Donmoyer uses a different pattern of magic square numbers  from the ones  in right upper corner insert of Durer's  1514 woodcut "Melencholia " (sic). Note that Durer fashioned his square with the date, 1514 in the middle of the bottom row.  Durer's square also sums the central four numbers to 34 as well as the 4 corners.   Sylvie's top row is 1, 16, 2, 12.   My variant(right panel)  is done in acrylic except for the inset which is  pencil and my rows/columns are a third variant of the magic square; top row is  13, 2, 3, 16.

Also included in her original (lower left) is a likeness of the 1548  book Perspectiva corporum regularium , which illustrates geometric polyhedra in a 3 dimensional perspective.  My understanding is that if one chooses the sum number of the square to be 34, there are 80+ different combinations which will satisfy the requirements of adding to 34.  I used a third pattern in my painting.  

Kamisado.  This fused glass piece has the same individual colors in each row and column, a representative of combinatorics.  The popular game Sudoku is similar and both derive from 'magic  or Latin squares' which were popular in the middle ages. (although they used numbers)  There is presently a (not so popular) board game called kamisado which is an abstract strategic game using the colors  in place of numbers.   

Tetrahedron & hyperbolic paraboloid  . These are just geometric shapes made in metal.  The tetrahedron is one of 5 regular, convex polyhedrons , constructed by congruent polygonal faces with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex.  Plato wrote about them in 360 BCE, linking 4 with the classical elements of earth, fire, water and air.  The tetrahedron having sharp points and like the heat of fire could produce stabbing pain.  The other regular solids were the cube with 6  square faces, the octahedron with 8  equilateral triangular faces, the dodecahedron with 12 pentagonal faces and the icosahedron with 20 triangular faces.  These classical solids were used by Kepler in the 16th century as a model for the structure of the known solar system of planets. 

The hyperbolic paraboloid is a doubly curved surface showing a convex curve along one axis and a concave on another axis. This results in every point being along the intersection of two straight lines, thus it is easily constructed and has therefore been used in modern architecture .  It also has the property of being efficient in materials for the strength it provides.     The next piece is another example of hyperbolic space.

Parallel lines in negatively curved space This piece is the only one in 'Math Art' which is not made by me.  Why is it here?  

 I).  think non-Euclidean geometry deserves a place in 'Math Art'.   It is essential in Einstein's  special theory of relativity. It is present in many places in nature (flowers, coral reefs, nudibranchs,  architecture,  geo-navigation, etc. ).  Also it is represented in much modern mathematical art, particularly in computer drawn or computer printed media. 

 2 ). Crochet is one of the few ways hyperbolic space can be represented in actual 3D and is an excellent medium to physically demonstrate some of the harder to imagine properties of non-Euclidean geometry.   For example notice the black threads on this piece . In a negatively curved hyperbolic space they are parallel. (You can imagine if you fold the fabric along each line it will be straight).  A sphere is an example of a positive curvature where straight  parallel lines of longitude meet at the poles.

3) Neither my wife nor I know how to crochet nor did we want to spend the time to learn, but Helene  Feltrup  knows how , so she made it for me. 

Squared squares.   Squaring the square is a curious turn of phrase. It sounds as if it may have some relation to squaring the circle but it is so only in the sense that dividing a square into smaller different sized squares is a seemingly difficult task.   Although this would seem to be a problem of classical geometry it was not until 1902 that Henry , an Englishman who dabbled in puzzles and recreational math wrote about it. This figure of fused glass represents the smallest  number of different squares (21) which can made into a square itself with no gaps.  It was identified in 1978 by A.J.W. Duijvestijn.   It is a perfect solution because all the squares are different and no subset of them form a rectangle.  The smallest central square is 2 units and the largest in the left upper corner is 50.  The large square is 112 units on each side.  Fused glass. 

Spiral circle String art (mithlesh or pin art)  sis characterized by an arrangement of colored thread strung between point to form geometric patterns or representational designs such as ships' sails,   Though the strings form  only straight lines, the slightly different angles and metric positions at which strings intersect yields the appearance of Bezier curves.  String art had its origin in the 'curve stitch' activities invented by Mary Everst Boole in the late 1800's to make mathematical ideas more accessible to children. 

For this project I used copper wire and nails embedded on a circle. Mathematical spirals are either arithmetic (Archimedean) or logarithmic depending on how the construction of the the curve is derived. They can be distinguished by the fat that the distances between the turnings increase in a constant or geometric progression.  Can you figure out which one you are looking at? 

" Significant figures "in mathematics follow.  These are a series of famous and not so famous people who made contributions to mathematics. Most are done in pastels. 

Carl Freiderick Gauss    30 April 1777 – 23 February 1855) was a German mathematician and physicist who made significant contributions to many fields in mathematics and science.  Sometimes referred to as the Princeps mathematicorum (Latin for '"the foremost of mathematicians"') and "the greatest mathematician since antiquity.  He was a child prodigy.  Gauss had an exceptional influence in many fields of mathematics and science, and is ranked among history's most influential mathematician.   While at the Univ. of Gottingen he submitted a proof that every algebraic equation has at least one root or solution. This theorem had challenged mathematicians for centuries and is called "the fundamental theorem of algebra". His discoveries and writings influenced and left a lasting mark in the areas of number theory, astronomy, geodesy, and physics, particularly the study of electromagnetism.  He also worked on a new method for determining the orbits of new asteroids. Eventually these discoveries led to Gauss' appointment as professor of mathematics and director of the observatory at Gottingen, where he remained in his official position until his death on February 23, 1855 . Acrylic on canvas

Srinivasa Ramanujan: 22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920)[2] was an Indian mathematician who lived during the British Rule in India. Though he had almost no formal training in pure mathematics, he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems then considered unsolvable. Ramanujan initially developed his own mathematical research in isolation: "He tried to interest the leading professional mathematicians in his work, but failed for the most part. What he had to show them was too novel, too unfamiliar, and additionally presented in unusual ways; they could not be bothered".[3] Seeking mathematicians who could better understand his work, in 1913 he began a postal partnership with the English mathematician G. H. Hardy at the University of Cambridge, England. Recognizing Ramanujan's work as extraordinary, Hardy arranged for him to travel to Cambridge. In his notes, Ramanujan had produced groundbreaking new theorems, including some that Hardy said had "defeated him and his colleagues completely", in addition to rediscovering recently proven but highly advanced results.

During his short life, Ramanujan independently compiled nearly 3,900 results (mostly identities and equations).[4] Many were completely novel; his original and highly unconventional results, such as the Ramanujan prime, the Ramanujan theta function, partition formulae and mock theta functions, have opened entire new areas of work and inspired a vast amount of further research.[5] Nearly all his claims have now been proven correct. (from Wikipedia).  Pastel on canvas. Although he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, medical authorities now  conclude that he died from hepatic amebiasis (a parasitic infection) at age 32. 

Maryam Mirzakhani:12 May 1977 – 14 July 2017) was an Iranian mathematician and a professor of mathematics at Stanford University.[8][9][10] Her research topics included Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, ergodic theory, and symplectic geometry. In 2005, as a result of her research, she was honored in Popular Science's fourth annual "Brilliant 10" in which she was acknowledged as one of the top 10 young minds who have pushed their fields in innovative directions.[11]

On 13 August 2014, Mirzakhani was honored with the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics. Thus, she became both the first woman and the first Iranian to be honored with the award. The award committee cited her work in "the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces". Mirzakhani made several contributions to the theory of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Mirzakhani's early work solved the problem of counting simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces by finding a relationship to volume calculations on moduli space. Geodesics are the natural generalization of the idea of a "straight line" to "curved spaces". 

On 14 July 2017, Mirzakhani died of breast cancer at the age of 40

Pastel on canvas.

Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor, (3 Mar 1845, St. Petersburg, Russia—6 Jan 1918, Halle, Germany), German mathematician who defined the cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic, founded set theory and introduced the mathematically meaningful concept of transfinite numbers, indefinitely large but distinct from one another.  In 1873 Cantor proved the rational numbers  ℚ  countable, i.e. they may be placed in one-one correspondence with the natural numbers,  ℕ  . He also showed that the algebraic numbers, 𝔸,  i.e. the numbers which are roots of polynomial equations with integer coefficients, were countable. However his attempts to decide whether the real numbers ℝ were countable was more difficult  but in time he proved that the real numbers were not countable (i.e. are more numerous than the natural numbers) and his paper in 1874 implies that there is an infinity of infinities.  Cantor's work is of great philosophical interest, a fact he was well aware of. Personally, he was an accomplished violinist, a devout Lutheran (who thought his concepts were a gift from God) and suffered from bouts of depression.   Pastel on canvas.

Emmy Noether   

23 March 1882 – 14 April 1935) was a German mathematician who made important contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.  She was described by Pavel Alexandrov, Albert Einstein, Jean Dieudonné, Hermann Weyl and Norbert Wiener as the most important woman in the history of mathematics.  As one of the leading mathematicians of her time, she developed the theories of rings, fields, and algebras. In physics, Noether's theorem explains the connection between symmetry and conservation laws. She entered the University of Göttingen in 1903earned her PhD in 1907 and stayed on to produce excellent work in her field but only rose to assistant professor without tenure and a small salary. Her status did not change while she remained at Göttingen, owing not only to prejudices against women, but also because she was a Jew, a Social Democrat, and a pacifist.   In 1928-29 she was a visiting professor at the University of Moscow. In 1930, she taught at Frankfurt. The International Mathematical Congress in Zurich asked her to give a plenary lecture in 1932, and in the same year she was awarded the prestigious Ackermann-Teubner Memorial Prize in mathematics.  When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, Noether and many other Jewish professors at Göttingen were dismissed. In October she left for the United States to become a visiting professor of mathematics at Bryn Mawr College and to lecture and conduct research at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. She died suddenly of complications from an operation on an ovarian cyst. Pastel on canvas


Evariste Galois  

The story of ‘Evariste Galois is probably the most fantastic and tragic in the history of mathematics. A sensitive and prodigiously gifted your man, he was killed in a duel at the age of 20, ending a life which in its brief span had offered him nothing but tragedy and frustration.  Fortunately, for mathematics, the night before the duel he wrote down his main mathematical results and entrusted them to a friend.  When he was only a youth his father committed suicide, and Galois was left to fend for himself in the labyrinthine world of French university life and student politics.  He was twice refused admittance to the ‘Ecole Polytechnique, the most prestigious scientific establishment of its day, probably because his answers to the entrance examination were too original and unorthodox.  When he presented an early version of his important discoveries in algebra to the great academician Cauchy, this gentleman did not read the young student’s paper, but lost it.  Later, Galois gave his results to Fourier in the hope of winning the mathematics prize of the Academy of Sciences, but Fourier died and that paper, too, was lost.  Another paper submitted to Poisson was eventually returned be Poisson did not have the interest to read it through.  Galois finally gained admittance to the ‘Ecole Normale, another focal point of research in mathematics, but he was soon expelled for writing an essay which attacked the king.  He was jailed twice for political agitation in the student world of Paris.  In the midst of such a turbulent life, it is hard to believe that Galois found time to create his colossally original theories on algebra.

What Galois did was to tie in the problem of finding the roots of equations with new discoveries on groups of permutations.  He explained exactly which equations of degree 5 or higher have solutions of the traditional kind - and which others do not.  Along the way, he introduced some amazingly original and powerful concepts, which form the framework of much algebraic thinking to this day.  Although Galois did not work explicitly in axiomatic algebra (which was unknown in his day), the abstract notion of algebraic structure is clearly prefigured in his work.  This time his work was not lost, but it was only published 15 years after his death.  {from A Book of. Abstract Algebra by Charles C. Pinter, Dover Publ. 2nd ed. 1990. }  Info from :   

Pastel on canvas.

4 Color theorem .     This drawing appeared as a black & white cartoon in  Gary Larson's 1992 book , "A Farside Collection - Unnatural Selections" and I have taken the liberty  to color it (still with pencils)  in order to demonstrate the principle of the theorem .  The four color map theorem, first presented as a conjecture in 1852,  states that, given any separation of a plane into contiguous regions, producing a figure called a map, no more than four colors are required to color the regions of the map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Adjacent means that two regions share a common boundary curve segment, not merely a corner where three or more regions meet.[1] It was the first major theorem to be proved using a computer (1976). Initially, this proof was not accepted by all mathematicians because the computer-assisted proof was infeasible for a human to check by hand.[2] Since then the proof has gained wide acceptance, although some doubters remain 


  Isaac Newton: (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27[a]) was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687, laid the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton also made seminal contributions to optics, and shares credit with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for developing the infinitesimal calculus.

In Principia, Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity. Newton used his mathematical description of gravity to prove Kepler's laws of planetary motion, account for tides, the trajectories of comets, the precession of the equinoxes and other phenomena, eradicating doubt about the Solar System's heliocentricity. He demonstrated that the motion of objects on Earth and celestial bodies could be accounted for by the same principles. Newton's inference that the Earth is an oblate spheroid was later confirmed by the geodetic measurements of Maupertuis, La Condamine, and others, convincing most European scientists of the superiority of Newtonian mechanics over earlier systems.

Newton built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a sophisticated theory of colour based on the observation that a prism separates white light into the colours of the visible spectrum. His work on light was collected in his highly influential book Opticks, published in 1704. He also formulated an empirical law of cooling, made the first theoretical calculation of the speed of sound, and introduced the notion of a Newtonian fluid. In addition to his work on calculus, as a mathematician Newton contributed to the study of power series, generalised the binomial theorem to non-integer exponents, developed a method for approximating the roots of a function, and classified most of the cubic plane curves.  Pastel on canvas

 Sofie Kowalevski 5 January 1850 – 10 February 1891), was a Russian mathematician who made noteworthy contributions to analysis, partial differential equations and mechanics. She was a pioneer for women in mathematics around the world – the first woman to obtain a doctorate (in the modern sense) in mathematics, the first woman appointed to a full professorship in Northern Europe and one of the first women to work for a scientific journal as an editor. According to historian of science Ann Hibner Koblitz, Kovalevskaia was "the greatest known woman scientist before the twentieth century.  Kovalevskaya, who was involved in the vibrant, politically progressive and feminist currents of late nineteenth-century Russian nihilism, wrote several non-mathematical works as well, including a memoir, A Russian Childhood, two plays (in collaboration with Duchess Anne Charlotte Edgren-Leffler) and a partly autobiographical novel, Nihilist Girl (1890.    Pastel drawing on canvas.

John Von Neumann  

28 December 1903 8 February 1957) was a Hungarian-American-Jewish mathematician, physicist, inventor, computer scientist, and polymath. He made major contributions to a number of fields. Upon completion of von Neumann’s secondary schooling in 1921, his father discouraged him from pursuing a career in mathematics, fearing that there was not enough money in the field. As a compromise, von Neumann simultaneously studied chemistry and mathematics. He earned a degree in chemical engineering (1925) from the Swiss Federal Institute in Zürich and a doctorate in mathematics (1926) from the University of Budapest . Von Neumann commenced his intellectual career at a time when the influence of David Hilbert and his program of establishing axiomatic foundations for mathematics was at a peak.  Important work in set theory inaugurated a career that touched nearly every major branch of mathematics. Von Neumann’s gift for applied mathematics took his work in directions that influenced quantum theory, automata theory, economics, and defense planning. Von Neumann pioneered game theory and, along with Alan Turing and Claude Shannon, was one of the conceptual inventors of the stored-program digital computer.  Pastel on canvas.

Gerolomo Cardano  24 September 1501 – 21 September 1576) was an Italian polymath, whose interests and proficiencies ranged from being a mathematician, physician, biologist, physicist, chemist, astrologer, astronomer, philosopher, writer, and gambler.  Gerolamo Cardano was one of the most influential mathematicians of the Renaissance, and was one of the key figures in the foundation of probability and the earliest introducer of the binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem in the Western world. He wrote more than 200 works on science.

Cardano partially invented and described several mechanical devices including the combination lock, the gimbal consisting of three concentric rings allowing a supported compass or gyroscope to rotate freely, and the Cardan shaft with universal joints, which allows the transmission of rotary motion at various angles and is used in vehicles to this day. Today, he is well known for his achievements in algebra. He made the first systematic use of negative numbers in Europe, published with attribution the solutions of other mathematicians for the cubic and quartic equations, and acknowledged the existence of imaginary numbers.   Pencil on canvas.

ر الدین طوسی    

 Nasir al-Din al-Tusi     ر الدین طوسی      was a 13 century Persian polymath, architect, philosopher, physician, scientist, and theologian. Although the use of ratios and proportions to calculate angles and heights was known as early as the 2nd century BCE the use of trigonometric principles was largely used in astronomical observations, He is often considered the creator of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right. Al-Tusi was the first to write a work on trigonometry independently of astronomy.  Al-Tusi, in his Treatise on the Quadrilateral, gave an extensive exposition of spherical trigonometry, distinct from astronomy.  It was in the works of Al-Tusi that trigonometry achieved the status of an independent branch of pure mathematics distinct from astronomy, to which it had been linked for so long.  He was the first to list the six distinct cases of a right triangle in spherical trigonometry. In his On the Sector Figure, appears the famous law of sines for plane triangles. a sin ⁡ A = b sin ⁡ B = c sin ⁡ C {\displaystyle {\frac {a}{\sin A}}={\frac {b}{\sin B}}={\frac {c}{\sin C}}} He also stated the law of sines for spherical triangles, discovered the law of tangents for spherical triangles, and provided proofs for these laws.      This is copper plate inscribed and punched then acrylic tinted. 

   Liu Hui  劉徽    (225-295 CE) was a Chinese mathematician and writer who lived in the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period (220–280) of China. In 263, he edited and published a book with solutions to mathematical problems presented in the famous Chinese book of mathematics known as The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, in which he was possibly the first mathematician to discover, understand and use negative number. Liu Hui expressed all of his mathematical results in the form of decimal fractions (using metrological units).

Liu provided commentary on a mathematical proof of a theorem identical to the Pythagorean theorem.[5] Liu called the figure of the drawn diagram for the theorem the "diagram giving the relations between the hypotenuse and the sum and difference of the other two sides whereby one can find the unknown from the known".

In the field of plane areas and solid figures, Liu Hui was one of the greatest contributors to empirical solid geometry. For example, he found that a wedge with rectangular base and both sides sloping could be broken down into a pyramid and a tetrahedral wedge.  He also found that a wedge with trapezoid base and both sides sloping could be made to give two tetrahedral wedges separated by a pyramid. In his commentaries on the Nine Chapters, he presented an algorithm for calculation of pi (π) and worked it out to 3.141024 < π < 3.142074 {\displaystyle 3.141024<\pi <3.142074} a value between 3.141024 and 3.14107. He also devised a method to calculate the heights of various physical structures from a distance (i.e. trigonometry).

Coq au Venn.  Although Georg Cantor ‘invented’ set theory in 1874,  six years later  John Venn, an Englishman ,used overlapping closed circles to represent  all possible logical relations between a finite collection of different sets {although it was Euler used similar figures in the prior century!}  I used this painting to cry “Fowl” that the geometric shapes have traditionally been restricted to circles. Set theory is considered by many to be a foundational topic for mathematics and is much too complicated to summarize here, so  I will restrict my description to the link to Wikipedia.     Acrylic original 

  The Swallow's Tail  by Salvador Dali (11 May 1904 – 23 Jan 1989) This is a copy of Dali's last painting, completed in May 1983, as the final part of a series based on the mathematical catastrophe theory of René Thom.  Thom , winner of the  1958 Field’s medal was a French mathematician  who developed several theories relating to differential geometry and algebraic topology .  In this painting,  Dali used two (of seven- the fold, cusp, swallowtail, butterfly, hyperbolic umbilic, elliptic umbilic and parabolic umbilic curves)  which demonstrate disequilibrium point curves of 4 dimensions developed by Thom to illustrate equilibrium properties of 4 dimensions.   It is acrylic on  hardboard and one of my favorite pieces. 

     Chladni figures.   Ernst Chladni was a German physicist and musician, often atributed as the father of acoustic science.   This depicts the 'sand' patterns generated by harmonic resonances  he first demonstrated  on square plates stoked by a violin bow.  The lines occur at the nodal points where there is no vibration. (today such a demonstration commonly uses a frequency generator and a speaker - see  . The mathematical expression for generating the patterns  using a square plate constrained at its center is:

cos(n pi x / L) cos(m pi y / L) - cos(m pi x / L) cos(n pi y / L) = 0            , where n and m are integers.         see for a thorough review and links to more patterns. 

In this painting, I have combined thirty patterns (of the hundreds identified)  demarcated by the zero vibration lines in black or white sand against a background of  contrasting shades.

Tree-Foil knot .    This piece is  inspired by Nathaniel Friedman's work displayed at a past Bridges Conference.   The trefoil can be obtained by joining together the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop. As the simplest knot, the trefoil is fundamental to the study of mathematical knot theory. If one end of a tape or belt is turned over three times and then pasted to the other, the edge forms a trefoil knot. (Thanks to Dr. A Tebbe  of the IU Kokomo math department for figuring this out for me.) The trefoil knot can be defined as the curve obtained from the following parametric equations:

 x= sin t+ 2 sin 2t

 y= cos t- 2 cos 2t

 z= -sin 3t

  Being an amateur blacksmith,  I couldn't resist the  opportunity to forge  a tree with a knot . All the materials were from a scrapyard comprised of  3/8" thick leaf spring, railroad spikes and two old pipes.  

 Con-cret-ic sections    AKA Concrete conic sections.   The conic sections were discovered in an attempt to solve a problem which on the surface seems to have nothing to do with cones.   That was in the classical period of mathematics   (most authors attribute it to Menaechmus in 4th century BCE) - doubling the cube.   In actuality, the goal was to make build Apollo a new alter with twice the old alter's volume.  At that time (no algebra) most problems were reduced to methods involving ratios .  The geometric solution to this problem is quite complex.    Mathematically this can be formulated as  a (the old volume) is to X   which is equal to X as to Y which is equal to Y as to 2a (the desired new volume) or in symbols a:x=x:y=y:2a.   This is equivalent to solving simultaneouolsy and two of the equations x squared = a y , y squared = 2a x , and x y = 2 a squared , which corresponds to two parabolas and a hyperbola, respectively .     However If cones are cut by a plane, the curves resulting at the edge of the cone are those of second order polynomials - namely, the ellipse, circle, hyperbola and parabola. 

Florence Nightengale's Coxcombs. Through her work as a nurse in the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale was a pioneer in establishing the importance of sanitation in hospitals. She meticulously gathered data on relating death tolls in hospitals to cleanliness, and, because of her novel methods of communicating this data, she was also a pioneer in applied statistics. We explore the work of Nightingale, and in particular focus on her use of certain graphs which, following misreading of her work, are now commonly known as 'coxcombs'.

In March 1854 war broke out between France, Great Britain, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire on one side, and Russia on the other side. Most of the fighting in the war occurred on the Crimean Peninsula, in the south of Ukraine, but wounded British troops were shipped across the Black Sea to hospitals in Turkey. The sanitary conditions of these hospitals were awful, and many more people died from diseases than from wounds.

Florence Nightingale arrived in Turkey in October 1854 with a group of women to work as voluntary nurses in the hospitals. They were initially denied entry to the wards, and it was not until the hospitals had reached a critical state in March 1855 that Nightingale and her fellow nurses were allowed proper access to the patients.

Nightingale realized that soldiers were dying needlessly from malnutrition, poor sanitation, and lack of activity. She strove to improve living conditions for the wounded troops, and kept meticulous records of the death toll in the hospitals as evidence of the importance of patient welfare.

After the war, Nightingale returned to Great Britain and continued to fight for better conditions in hospitals. She created graphs, which are often described as roses or coxcombs (although she did not refer to them as such), to highlight the death toll from diseases above the death toll from wounds in the Crimean War. One of her original graphs is shown in the fused glass image.(KOG glass) 

Origami George  Origami isn't just for artsy objects.  Having it's roots in mathematics and enhanced by advanced compututer techniques, origami now has uses in designing unfolding satellite antennas and solar panels in rockets ,  heart stents, telescope design, car air bags,  retinal implants, nano-machines,  architecture , and yes, toy transformers. he discipline of origami or paper folding has received a considerable amount of mathematical study. Fields of interest include a given paper model's flat-foldability (whether the model can be flattened without damaging it), and the use of paper folds to solve up-to cubic mathematical equations.[1]

Computational origami is a recent branch of computer science that is concerned with studying algorithms that solve paper-folding problems. The field of computational origami has also grown significantly since its inception in the 1990s with Robert Lang's TreeMaker algorithm to assist in the precise folding of bases. Computational origami results either address origami design or origami foldability In origami design problems, the goal is to design an object that can be folded out of paper given a specific target configuration. In origami foldability problems, the goal is to fold something using the creases of an initial configuration. Results in origami design problems have been more accessible than in origami foldability problems.

Tess (the pied horse) and friends  A tiling or tesselation of a flat surface is the covering of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. Tessellations were used by the Sumerians (about 4000 BC) in building wall decorations formed by patterns of clay tilesin 1891, the Russian crystallographer Yevgraf Fyodorov proved that every periodic tiling of the plane features one of seventeen different groups of isometries.  Fyodorov's work marked the unofficial beginning of the mathematical study of tessellations.   MC Escher made use of natural topics  and often an evolutionary patterning to popularize  tilings. Quilting is a prime example of tiling.  Dr. Irina Swanson, Chair of the Dept of Mathematics at Purdue has demonstrated (on YouTube) several examples of how quilting makes use of geometric patterns.  Currently,  other mathematicians are using tessellations in higher dimensions and a variety of geometries. 

Also I've attached an homage to Escher of ' hand drawing hand'  just because I like it.  The Escher original is black & white (pen/ink) and so is mine (acrylic paint)! 

The next piece (combinatorics)  is not yet completed. 

Principles of combinatorics are illustrated in this panel using keys.  These simple ideas can be applied to cryptography (specifically allowing privacy in transmissions of messages, like email we all use everyday) by using large prime numbers.  These plastic pieces were 3D printed by my son. 

Secret messages require some type of a code to understand the content.  During WW2, the Nazis used a complicated cipher machine called the Enigma to transmit their military plans to the German army in the field. Eventually the complex code was deciphered by the British.  Central to the code used was the necessity of the receiver and the sender using the same code – this required some method of supplying both parties with the same code (even though the code could be changed at will).   This is a problem if there is some distance between them requiring either a specified plan, a courier, or a timed sequence so that both parties know which code to use. In the late 70’s the Diffie-Hellman key exchange was developed which allowed two people to publicly exchange information that leads to a shared secret without anyone else being able to figure out the secret.    This method is based on the use of prime numbers and modular arithmetic.  The blocks of color and key examples  below illustrate the simplicity of the basic idea behind this complex mathematical methodology.                  

PG(3,2) is the name of a 3 dimensional model of the "smallest space " in a book of projective geometry by Burkard Polster, a mathematician currently teaching at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Even with a stereoscopic picture in the book(the two side by side black images  above) , I could not imagine what this figure looked like , so I thought I'd try to make a  dimensional model. In the real world a model has physical size in contrast to the theoretical geometric version, where  lines and points  have no dimension , so some concessions had to be made.   As in other areas of mathematics, direct application of the concepts in a specific idea may not yet be extant, but this area of math (projective geometry)  is finding usefulness in quantum mechanics. 

Included below  (steel painted yellow) is a model of the Fano plane, a basic model of projective geometry in two dimensions .   All the balls (points) are forged mild steel.  Both these pieces were quite difficult to construct - therefore some allowance to accuracy is sacrificed due to the physical 3 dimensions of metal in contrast to mathematical figures which are points & lines.  

Composition VIII likeness - Although its meaning is not specifically explained, Wassily Kandinsky's  (16 Dec 1866- 13 Dec 1944) "Composition VIII" explores the relationship between geometry (artistic space) and music.   The title itself is an explicit reference to music, recognizing that music extensively utilizes mathematical patterns, whether in time or structure. The painter  further details the relationships in his book Point and Line to Plane . My acrylic on hardboard  rendition is a smaller version of his 1923 original which currently resides in the Guggenheim Museum of Art  in NYC.   I did this one just because I like it. 

Desargue's Theorem 

Girard Desargue  ( 21 Feb 1591- Sep 1661 ) was a French mathematician and engineer who is considered one of the founders of projective geometry.  Projective geometry, as opposed to plain or Euclidean geometry, allows parallel lines to meet at infinity (contrary to Euclid's 5th postulate). The appearance of a distant scene is then  from a single point of perspective  (an example is  pictures of railroad tracks seem to meet at the horizon)    Although art in the 19th and 20th century often developed in response to advances in mathematical or scientific concepts, the perspective view in art arose as early as the middle ages and was further developed during the Italian Renaissance.    Projective geometry shares this concept and adds more elaborate purely  mathematical  concepts, mainly the idea that geometric characteristics remain unchanged by various mathematical transformations (such as rotations/reflections, inversions,  or more complex functions). These ideas, however,  did not develop until the 19th century.  They led to a much more complex  and imaginative understanding of space in general. Further advances in this field spawned  esoteric disciplines in mathematics including abstract algebra,  invariant theory, differential and finite geometry.  

Desargue's theorem states : denote the three vertices on one triangle by a, b and c, and those of the other by A, B and C.  Axial perspectivity means that lines ab and AB (blue lines in my painting)  meet in a point, lines ac and AC  (green lines) meet in a second point and lines bc and BC (red lines)  meet in a third point, and that these three points all lie on a common line called the axis of perspectivity.   The projected lines connecting the vertices of the triangles originate from the whitish circle (point) at the top center. This acrylic painting is an original of mine. 

Phi and icosahedron  - (mild steel and glass 30 x 24 x 18", 70 pounds)

The three intersecting glass rectangles each have a length/width ratio of phi (an irrational number but approx. 1.61 for my purposes) .  Joining the vertices in golden string forms  the edges of an icosahedron,  one of Plato's five solids.     The glass is suspended in a metal phi which has a  ratio of the top/bottom  of phi. The base on which the letter stands is also cut in the golden ratio,  and has several geometric constructions which demonstrate various ways to construct the ratio  -  3 equal lines, midpoints of an inscribed equilateral triangle, an inscribed square, the chords of a pentagon and a trigonometric and calculus identity.  This piece was given to IUK in January 2023. 

In the paragraphs below is  embeded content about the mathematics of phi which can be viewed by scrolling within the inset. 

phi for math art

Particle Wave - (23 x 41") ambigram after original by Douglas Hofstadter.  An ambigram is a construction of words/images that can be viewed in different ways. In this particular example, you may see the word 'particle' or the word 'wave' , either used to describe the basic nature of light.  Although this could reasonably be considered physics instead of math, I thought that it was too cool not to add to the collection. My wife actually did the mosaic, using dichroic glass and stained glass from Kokomo Opalescent Glass (which has been making glass in our town for over a century).  I only made the supporting structures. 

 Dirichlet's Theorem -roundabout. There are many opportunities to learn about math on the internet and one of the easiest sources is YouTube. Although you can never be too sure about some of the information on the web, I think you can rest assured that the math sites that post regularly are accurate. For this piece, the inspiration came from one such site, 'Three blue, one brown' . This video starts with a polar plot of integers starting at zero ( 3 o'clock) then marks a dot at an angle of one radian at a distance of one, then moves on to two radians at a distance of 2, etc.  This traces out a simple Archimedean (arithmetic) spiral. Next they move on to a plot of prime numbers, add a little modular arithmetic and finally relate the patterns to Dirichlet's prime number theorem, which states that for any two positive co-prime integers a and d, there are infinitely many primes of the form a + nd, where n is also a positive integer. In other words, there are infinitely many primes that are congruent to a modulo d. The swirly patterns are pretty cool on YouTube. My piece can't do the zoom out like the video so I've painted 3 polar plots which show how the patterns change with increasing primes.  Plotting the first 100 primes (swirley disc) , it's pretty hard to make out any pattern. At 2500 primes (yellow-orange), two spirals can clearly be seen and plotting 100,000 primes (sky blue disc-I estimate my drawing has close to 43,000 dots but it still demonstrates curvature of the rays, which persists from here on to infinite primes.  The curve is formed because after the spiral reaches 710 'radians', the value is very close  but not exactly to 2 pi or 360 degrees,  i.e.  back to the starting point of the figure. So there is a small offset as the number of primes increases every 710 radians. 710 has factors of 2,5 and 71 so all the lines divisible by 2 and 5 drop out leaving a pattern 4 lines per ray.  Next remove the lines divisible by 71 (there are 4 instances of those) and you end up with the pattern of the blue dise, i.e. the residue classes of mod710 and this is where it leads to Dirichlet's number theorem. This is much better explained in the Three Blue, One Brown YouTube video site and involves deeper math than what I can explain.  

Although Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet was born in what was France at the time (1805), his career is considered as a German mathematician. When he was 15 he was sent to study in Cologne where he studied mathematics with George Ohm (yeah, the electric resistance unit guy) . Euler provided the proof for Fermat's Last theorem for n=3, Fermat did it for n=4, and Dirichlet did it for n=5. He married Felix Mendelssohn's (the musician who wrote the tune for Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, among other works) little sister also. He had some pretty impressive friends/colleagues including Jacobi, Kronecker, Liouville, Riemann, Fourier, Poisson, and Dedekind. Most of his work was in analysis/number theory. He contributed several important mathematical papers other than the theorem mentioned above. He died in 1859.

Loopy Fantasy  (aka Borro the Mean)    Donuts (toroids) and Moebius' strips may be the most familiar topological forms, but Borromean rings are not far behind, being portrayed in the Olympic rings,  Ballentine Ale label and the logo of the International Mathematical Union., which of course you already knew.  The name derives from the Borromeo family crest in 16th century Italy, although the depiction of 3 interlocking rings was present centuries before  in Norse , Indian and Japanese cultures.  The essential characteristic of the ring conformation ( mathematicians please excuse the use of the word here) is that when any one is opened, all will fall apart from the others.  Thus this arrangement came to symbolize strength in unity.  Actually, the 3 rings  cannot physically interlock if they are depicted  as circles.  They require 3 dimensions and other types of loops, like ellipses  or rectangles. Also more than 3 may be used, but are not as pretty as 3  ellipses or rectangles.  Borromean rings serve as an entry point to knot theory. 

Since I make stuff in metal, I thought it would be cool to try to forge a set of Borromean rings.  Then after considering how to do this, I thought I should make different twist patterns for each ring.  'Borro, the Mean'  dragon, incorporates a forward-reverse wave  with drilled holes pattern in the big ellipse, a diamond twist in the smaller ellipse and a dragon twist in the dragon! In this piece  'Borro, the Mean' snatches a topological trophy from Mobi, the cobra who is curled in an Archimedan spiral.  Incidentally, Mobi is 1/2" diameter 10 feet long and not a part of the Borromean rings.   

Valknut   This is another example of a tricursal knot aka Borromean ring. (see the blurb on Borro, the Mean).   The Valknut has significance in Norse mythology which actually knots the artistic origin/connection for the dragon Borro. 

This piece is all solid steel. It has some flaws but that is often the outcome of the first time something is handcrafted. I think of these as battle scars, so its ok.  It’s still math art.

The different colors are from vcontrolling the temperature of each piece. Most of the time you will see this coloring enhancement in aluminum or copper, called anodized (electrolysis in an acid bath) or annealed (relieving internal stresses by heating).  For carbon steel, these color changes occur roughly in the range of 400-800 degrees F. 

The triangles are held together in compression only by the dark circular band. The dark color is the result of heating the steel to orange hot, then allowing it to slowly cool to room temperature. Blacksmiths call this “normalization’.  They reserve the term ‘annealing’ to that that process of reheating after a rapid cooling (quench).  This removes the brittleness of the metal while retaining hardness. (You want a hard, but not brittle hammer or anvil !)  The degree of how much brittleness is removed is determined by the temperature which is indicated by the color change. The only welds in valknut are those four you can see holding the band to the base.

Pythagorean Triples   are the integer solutions to Pythagorus’ theorem, a2 + b2 = c2 commonly associated with right triangles. Such numbers were known as early as 1800 BC by the Babylonians as found on the “Plimpton 322” clay tablet and the Egyptians used knotted ropes in 3,4,5 ratios as a readily available tool to construct right angles, so Pythagorus should hardly get credit for discovering them or the right triangle solutions. My painting is inspired from the 3 Blue 1 Brown series of mathematics on YouTube in which complex numbers are used to generate all the possible Pythagorean triples .  The  superimposed yellow parabolas represent solutions of squaring every lattice point (i.e the integer grid) in the complex plain whereas the “a” and  “b” terms of every Pythagorean triple resides somewhere at a lattice point along one of the white lines. If a2/4n is an integer, then (a, n-a2/4n, and n+a2/4n) are a Pythagorean triple and these points lie on a curve given by b=| n-a2/4n), viz. parabolas reflected at the x axis and the corresponding values of a and b interchanged. 


This project was to replace my easel (which I need to paint) I was using in the display case for paintings.  It is a cube made up of  1 1/2 inch  cubes which each have mathematical symbols punched into the surfaces.  These include the aleph (types of infintity) , plus sign, the integral, U (union) , infinity, delta, epsilon, pi, sigma, square root, angle, perpendicular, factorial, etc.  Since these small cubes are solid steel, it weighs 51 pounds, so I think it'll hold whatever I want to put on top of it.  I may add a suspended small cube in the center yet. We'll see if I can figure out a way to do that. 

On the right are the tools I made to make the impressions in the cube.  They are basically the same idea as leatherworkers use. 

 “The Vigesimal  System”


  Alfred Jensen was an American abstract painter, born in Guatamala who ascribed  magical properties  to numbers. His impasto oil painting titled “The Vigesimal System” embodies his fascination with the base 20 number system used by Mayans. My wife and I made an embroidered  quilt copy this painting.


The most commonly used number system is the decimal system, commonly known as base 10. Its popularity as a system of counting is most likely due to the fact that we have 10 fingers. Binary, or base 2 is the most commonly used non-base 10 system. It is used for coding in computers. The Mayans vigesimal system of base 20 probably reflected fingers and toe counting. They recognized zero as a place holder and had only two other symbols as in Jensen’s painting. (five – a straight line, and ones – dots,  as in Jensen’s painting). Base 16, known as the hexadecimal system is is used for  coding and computer systems. In this case, we use the digits 0−9 and the letters representing two digits A(10),B(11),C(12),D(13),E(14),F(15). The sexagesimal system, used by the ancient Sumerians (c. 4000 BCE) is based on 60. Supposedly this came about when two different cultures, one using base 5, the other base 12, merged. This merger provides a number system with a significantly larger number of divisors than base 10, and despite its absence of zero, still finds usefulness in modern chronology, astronomy and geometry.


In this work, Jensen combines his interest in the base 20 (vigesimal) Mayan counting system with a quasi magic square pattern.  Each color is consistently paired with two numbers( with the exception of numbers 2 and 16 in the lower half.) Perhaps he ran out of purple paint! If you use the zero symbol as a place holder (i.e. its value is 20, not zero, each row adds to 84 while the columns sum to 99-111-111-99-99-111-111-99.  Despite my concerted effort to find the reasoning behind this pattern (viz. reading reviews of his art, his own comments, print resources about the Mayan calendar/astronomy , and communicating with several art museums hosting his work as well as writing  his widow), I have discovered no shred of a rationale for selecting these sums. Obviously, he was a liberal arts type guy, not a pure mathematician.  Thanks goes to my wife who did the embroidered quilting for this work.  If you’ve read this far, you deserve to learn a little known fact.  Check out  


 Our quilt (56 x 46")                                                Jensen's painting   (original  50 x 42")                                                     arabic numbers quasi-"magic" square

If you want to explore math art further, here are some current artists that you might check out: 

a couple of recent books: 

Mathematics and Art: A cultural history. Lynn Gamwell. 2016 Princeton Univ. Press ISBN 978-0-691-16528-8

Math Art: Truth, beauty & equations. Stephen Oines. 2019 Sterling Publ. Co. New York. ISBN 978-1-4549-3044-0 

Mathematics in 20th -century Literature and Art. Robert Tubbs.  2014 Johns Hopkins Univ. Pres   ISBN 978-1-4214-1380-8

Creating Symmetry: The Artful Mathematics of Wallpaper Patterns.  Frank Farris . 2015  Princeton Univ. Press  ISBN-13 : 978-0691161730

pi -

mathemusic -

glass - Martin Demaine,

origami -- Erik Demaine

Sculpture - Helaman Ferguson, Carla Farsi, Bathsheba Grossman - , Nathaniel Friedman , Keizo Ushio

wood - Bjarne JespersonDavid Gunderson

computer art - Hamid Naderi Yeganeh ,  many others (this is an explosive area of mathematical art)   check out the Bridges Conference site 

architecture - Antoni Gaudi, Leonardo da Vinci

painting - Yosuo Nomura, Sylvie Donmoyer   

textiles/fiber sculpture - Daina Taimina   ,  Ada Dietz  , Irena Swanson , Margaret Wertheim , Susan Goldstine

polyhedra - Alan Schoen

minimal surfaces - Ken Brakke  

fractal art - 

The quilt (56 x 46")